If you have aging loved ones, you can help them and your family ward off potential crisis by encouraging them to get a basic estate plan in place. The basic plan should include a Last Will and Testament for the disposition of their property upon death, a Durable Power...
Read moreIt is often a difficult situation when older loved ones no longer have the legal competence to make financial and health care decisions for themselves. It may be even more troubling to find that while their spouse or partner is authorized to act as their agent by a valid...
Read moreA Living Will is a written statement in which a person declares whether they want, under certain circumstances, to have life-sustaining treatment withheld or withdrawn. In Ohio, a Living Will is effective only when a person is: • In a terminal condition and death is imminent, or • Permanently...
Read moreThe emotional impact of your death will be difficult enough for your loved ones. Not planning for your death will
Read moreSpring cleaning shouldn’t be just around your house. You should also make a point to regularly check all of your accounts, including bank accounts, brokerage accounts and insurance policies to make sure that you have the proper beneficiary designation. Many people forget to
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