The end of the year is a perfect time to address major changes in your life and business through legal documentation and planning. Here are a few items we want to remind our clients to consider before we wrap up another year. 1. Did you sell a business this...
Read moreWhile it’s not very often that people fake being a medical doctor, like the teenager in Florida earlier this year, we recommend that every time you hire a professional you should take a minute to verify the status of the prospective hire’s professional license(s). This is an easy task...
Read moreWe often are asked the question… what are my rights regarding property damage after an auto collision? In Ohio the law is very clear regarding the damages that you are to be compensated for by the driver who was negligent. The law is that the negligent driver has to...
Read moreAbout a month ago the United States Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell vs. Hodges required all states to issue a marriage license between people of the same sex, and it required all states to recognize same-sex marriage validly performed in other jurisdictions. Not only is the decision a landmark...
Read more2015 is quickly approaching and we like to revisit some end of year tasks to start the new year off right. We suggest that at least once a year all of our clients review their estate planning to be sure that it still conforms with their wishes, or covers...
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