As a result of COIVD-19, many health care providers (“Providers”) have made adjustments in how they provide their health care services. For example, it has become common practice for Providers to shut down their waiting rooms; instead having patients wait outside of the practice (typically in the patient’s car) until instructed to come inside for their appointment. Some Providers have implemented procedures where a staff member initiates contact with a patient in the parking lot or outer building lobby, before the patient ever enters the practice. While these steps are taken as a precaution to protect all patients and staff, Providers must still be mindful of compliance with HIPAA. Providers should be cautious when discussing any protected health information in a non-private setting and ensure that it is still done in an effort to comply with HIPAA.
If you have questions about your current COVID-19 procedures and HIPAA, please contact the attorneys at Thomas Law Group to discuss.